Coral IE Tab 讓 Firefox 切換 IE 保留著 Cookie :: 綠色工廠 Easylife Blog 2. 用 IE Tab 切換到 IE 後就整個都是登出的狀態囉~這種情形就是以往習慣的困擾。3.安裝好 Coral IE Tab 後再來一次!這是用 Firefox 開啟已經登入好的 Gmail。4.順利切換成 IE 囉!而且還是保持著登入的狀態,只是 Gmail 版面好像怪怪的^^
Coral IE Tab - YouTube If you're a Firefox fan who frequently has to use sites that only display properly in Internet Explorer, don't despair. Coral IE Tab lets you do it without running two browsers at once. It's a modified version of the popular IE Tab add-on, with a couple o - coralietab: installation [BUG FIX] Coral IE Tab opens two tabs when changing browser. See bug #22818 What's New In v1.86.20100410: [BUG FIX] Sometimes popup window or tabs may not show properly. See bug #22690. ...
Firefox切換IE免重新登入:Coral IE Tab Coral IETab是原本Firefox的附加元件IE Tab的增強版,在切換成IE核心瀏覽時,不必重新登入(會轉換Cookie)。原本IE Tab是在Firefox中,當遇到IE Only的網頁時,可以在Firefox的頁籤(tab)中迅速切換成IE核心,以便順利瀏覽網站,但過去的IE Tab的缺點是,在登入的 ...
coral ie tab :: 標籤:: Firefox 附加元件 - Mozilla Add-ons The updated, fully supported IE Tab. Embed IE in a Firefox tab. IE Tab Features: FF 4+ support, IE 7-9 compatibility ... - coralietab: index Why did you change the name of the addon from Coral IE Tab to IE Tab +? Answer: Previously I want the users to ...
Coral IE Tab Displays IE-Only Sites in Firefox - Lifehacker 15 Sep 2009 ... Firefox: Despite the popularity of Internet Explorer-alternatives there are still websites that are ...
Spyware found in (Coral) IE Tab Plus (3.6) - 1.95 • mozillaZine Forums Just a heads up for those sys admins who might be using the IE Tab Plus (3.6+) in a corporate enviroment ...
Coral IE Tab Download - Softpedia 17 Apr 2010 ... Coral IETab is a Firefox extension which enables you to use the embedded IE engine within tabs of ...
Firefox切換IE免重新登入:Coral IE Tab - 軟體邦 Coral IETab是原本Firefox的附加元件IE Tab的增強版,在切換成IE核心瀏覽時,不必 重新登入(會轉換Cookie)。原本IE Tab ...